
Marianne DiQuattro is a theatre director, writer, and professor living in Orlando, Florida.

She was the founder and artistic director of Paper Sky Theatre, Grove City, PA.

She served for five years as the artistic director of Running Man Theatre: central Florida’s premiere theatre company for actors of all abilities.

This site serves as the virtual center of her many passions: writing, theatre, teaching. Look through her directing portfolio. Inquire about collaborating with her as a director, dramaturg or an audition coach.

  • Directing

    Marianne began directing plays as a college student, and she hasn’t stopped since. Her passion is new takes on the classics. Noteworthy productions to date include: The Importance of Being Earnest, Twelfth Night, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Good Person of Setzuan, and Kate Hamill’s Sense and Sensibility. A portfolio of her work and her theatrical mission statement can be found by clicking the link. (Photo credit: Tony Fiorrolo)

  • Dramaturgy

    Whether she is deep in a unviersity’s special archives or facilitating a dynamic talkback, Marianne loves bringing her academic expertise to serve directors, writers, and producers in realizing their vision for great productions. (Photo credit: Allison Stewart)

  • Theatre and Disability

    With ten years of experience in theatre teaching and production for groups with autism, Marianne has a passion for inclusivity and access in the performing arts. Learn more about Running Man Theatre by clicking the button. (Photo credit Allison Stewart)